Lessons from a book and an interview I did not have with Mel Brooks
Once upon time I read this article with Mel Brooks (MB) by the A.V. Club. Here is the part that I gravitated toward.

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The answer “doing what I wanted” sounds great, and it is great. What may be hard is finding what I want to do. The options seem so open (yet closed when fear is not punched in the face).
“I have always wanted to be ________________” is not something I have a clear answer for. Although this post was started before reading Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matter, ideas in my skull (#ThoughtInMySkull) have realized that it all boils done to I am doing. I will never be ________________ unless I start. Momentum is created by starting.
Example: I can talk about (complain) how I need and want to do work that matters, but until I start doing something about it I am a resounding gong.
What is something you will start?
Answer: It could be reading Start 😉
“I’m a mawg: half man, half dog. I’m my own best friend!” – Barf (Spaceballs)