Three Words Floating In My Skull

Untie is actually one word. 😉
It is three days into the year 2015.
There has been three words that have been floating in my skull for the last few days.
Looking in my paper journal, I see that I got these words December 26th, 2014.
They have popped into my mind every day since then.
The three words are:
– Unite
– Untie
– Gift
The word unite, at least the concept, has been with for a while now.
I like to break words/phrases down, and I realized that on that day “unite” also spells untie.
“Gift” came to me later on that day.
I am not sure yet if there is an order to these words.
– When we unite, we untie a gift.
– A gift we are given is uniting and untying each other.
There is more I can say, but these words need to swim for a bit.
Having read some marked passages in 20,000 Days and Counting, by Robert D. Smith, this morning I read something along the lines of, “what one thing is something you would want out in the world if today was your last day?” (After going through the book, I could not find the exact quote, but I realized I want and need to read this book again.)
These three words do not feel like that are just words for me or just for this year, but part of my mission in life.
Thank you for reading this. There is a seed being planted here.
What comes to your mind with these three words?